Please fill this form completely and legibly. Provide as much detail as possible and list events in chronological order with dates and times noted where appropriate. Include any photographs, charts, or evidence with proper identification with this form. A copy of the complaint may be provided to the equine dental provider or veterinarian involved in this complaint. You may also be called by the Grievance Committee to answer further questions.
The EDPA Grievance Committee has 10 days upon receipt of any grievance form to determine the need for further action. If further action is decided, the person/s grieved must be notified by certified mail and email of the grievance.
The person/s then has 10 days to explain/defend the complaint to the committee. A recommendation by the Grievance Committee must be to the EDPA Board of Directors within 30 days of receipt of the grievance. If an extension is required, approval must be given by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will decide on the action to be taken in accordance with the Bylaws of the EDPA.